WBL4JOB project activities are re-grouped in six Work Packages (WP).
WP 1- Preparation: Setting up of management methodology and structure - four activities are assigned to this WP aimed at preparation, discussion and approval of project management methodology and structure as well as project’s timely kick-off:
PREP 1.1 - Organization of project kick-off meeting in Yerevan and set-up of project management methodology and structure,
PREP 1.2 - Fact-finding analysis to better understand the peculiarities of each context bringing in specific trends,
PREP 1.3 - Purchase of equipment for HEIs in PCs,
PREP 1.4 – Preparation of Training package by working group (WG) on capacity building. The preparation of the training package will be based on the fact-finding results and the needs and findings identified for the PC HEIs.
WP 2 - Development : Development of apprenticeship policies and models - five activities are assigned to WP2 aimed at capacity building of staff from the involved institutions of PCs and development of policies and apprenticeship models:
DEV 2.1 - Delivery of capacity building training on apprenticeship policies, schemes and tools in Lyon,
DEV 2.2 - Development of NPI-WBL in HE systems in PCs inspired by the European practices,
DEV 2.3 - Development of generic and flexible AHEMs for PCs including practical implementation tool: SLBI inspired by the French & Austrian experience,
DEV 2.4 - Delivery of capacity building workshop in Yerevan on amendments to national legislations to support AHEM implementation,
DEV 2.5 - Development of amendments to national legislations to support the implementation of AHEMs in PCs.
WP 3 - Development : Piloting of apprenticeship models - Through 5 activities envisaged under WP3 the developed AHEMs will be piloted in each HEI in PCs. The results of piloting will contribute to the finalization of NPI-WBL, AHEMS and legal framework in each PC:
DEV 3.1 - Delivery of national capacity building trainings on apprenticeship-oriented teaching, learning and assessment in Chisinau and Yerevan,
DEV 3.2 - Development of university-enterprise partnership innovative schemes through the piloting of the AHEMs at HEIs in PCs,
DEV 3.3 - Delivery of workshop to discuss the intermediate results of the AHEMs piloting in Strasbourg,
DEV 3.4 - Finalization of NPI-WBL and amendments of legal framework for each of the PCs,
DEV 3.5 - Finalization of AHEMs for each of the PCs.
WP4 - Dissemination and exploitation - WP4 is devoted to the dissemination of project’s outputs/outcomes with foreseen diverse dissemination activities:
DISS 4.1 - Elaboration and publication of project dissemination & exploitation strategy, dissemination materials, media coverage of project activities;
DISS 4.2 - Creation and regular update of project website,
DISS 4.3 - Organization of national consultation workshops on NPI-WBL and AHEMs in each of the PCs,
DISS 4.4 - Awareness-raising activities on the developed NPI-WBL and AHEMs;
DISS 4.5 - Organization of national dissemination conference in Chisinau,
DISS 4.6 - Organization of project final conference in Yerevan.
WP 5 – Quality Plan: Project quality monitoring and assurance - Taking into account the fact that the UFAR has quite a rich experience in coordinating TEMPUS and Erasmus+ projects (TEMPUS TNE_QA, E+ C3QA), the leading of WP5 was given to the UFAR in partnership with external evaluator on quality. This WP5 is devoted to the project quality control and monitoring in line with the Monitoring and Quality Assurance Strategy (MQAS) developed by UFAR and external evaluator on quality and is approved by the project’s Steering Committee. In general, all partners are committed to bring their contribution to the project quality control and monitoring. The concrete outcomes of WP 5 are: MQAS, contribution to intermediate and final reports, monitoring visits reports, post event evaluation reports, annual reports per WP, reports of external quality evaluator.
WP6 - Management: Project Management - The WP5 is devoted to the activities for project overall and daily management:
MNGT 6.1 - Project day-to-day, financial and overall management,
MNGT 6.2 - Organization of coordination meetings by project’s Steering Committee,
MNGT 6.3 -Organization of monitoring visits, participation in the national focus group meetings and reporting,
MNGT 6.4 - Organization of project intermediate and final audit,
MNGT 6.5 - Elaboration of project intermediate and final reports.
For more details see WBL4JOB project Work packages
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