“Introducing work-based learning in higher education systems of Armenia and Moldova for better employability of graduates” (WBL4JOB) project consortium members
Country | Institution | links | |
Armenia | P1 | French University in Armenia (UFAR) – Coordinator | https://ufar.am/fr/ |
P2 | Shirak State University (ShSU) | https://shsu.am/en/ | |
P3 | Union of Banks of Armenia (UBA) | https://www.uba.am/ | |
P4 | Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia (MESCS) | https://escs.am/en | |
Moldavia | P5 | Trade Cooperative University of Moldova (TCUM) | http://www.uccm.md/en/ |
P6 | Alecu Russo Balti State University (USARB) | https://usarb.md/ | |
P7 | Moldinkombank (MICB) | https://www.micb.md/micb-en/ | |
P8 | Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of Moldova (MECR) | https://mecc.gov.md/en | |
France | P9 | Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University (JML3U) | https://www.univ-lyon3.fr/accueil-en |
P10 | University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA) | http://en.unistra.fr/ | |
Austria | P11 | University of Applied Sciences Krems (IMC) | https://www.fh-krems.ac.at/en/ |
Belgium | P12 | European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN) | http://www.eucen.eu/ |
Associated partner
Moldovan Banks Association - http://abm.md/en
Xarxa FP - https://www.xarxafp.org/