The kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ programme “Introducing work-based learning in higher education systems of Armenia and Moldova for better employability of graduates” (WBL4JOB) project was held on February, 10-11, 2021.
Due to the Covid19 pandemic, the kick-off meeting of the project was held on the Zoom platform.
The meeting was opened with the speech of Prof. Bertrand Venard, Rector of French University in Armenia. Mr Artur Martirosyan, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the RA, Mr Jan Plesinger, Head of political press and information section of EU Delegation to Armenia and Mrs Lana Karlova, the Coordinator of the Erasmus + programme National Office in Armenia and Ms Claudia Melinte, Coordinator of National Erasmus+ office in Moldavia delivered welcome speeches during the kick-off meeting (read the speeches here).
On the first day of the kick-off meeting, representatives from each partner institutions came with a short presentation on their staff involved in the project with was followed by a short presentation by Mr Stephan Wynants, EACEA Project Officer on some basics of monitoring.
Mr Navoyan, Coordinator of the project talked about the WBL4JOB project’s objectives, activities, deliverables and life cycle with a special focus on activities for 1st year. The last presentations of the first-day ware carried out by Mrs Francesca Uras, Project Manager, European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN), Mrs Tina Gruber-Muecke, Head of Institute Business and Management, University of Applied Science Krems (IMC), Mr Jean-Baptiste Cartier, Academic director of 3 WBL Master’s programmes, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (JML3U) on the organization of WP2 and particularly on details of training package: Apprenticeship Policy and Implementation Toolkit under development.
The second day of the kick-off meeting was dedicated to project coordination strategy and methodology. The project’s methodology (strategic and daily management) financial management rules and Dissemination plan of the project were discussed and approved by the Steering Committee. Another presentation was done by Mrs Alexandra Costa Artur on Project’s Monitoring and Quality Assurance Strategy (MQAS) which was also approved by the project Steering Committee.
More than 90 participants from Armenia and Moldova participated in the online kick-off meeting.
Module 1 - WBL Policy and forms
Module 2 - Organization of WBL and Module 3 - Quality Assurance of WBL